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Registrado: 08 Ago 2007, 22:36
Mensajes: 64
Ubicación: sudamerica
Mi modelo Land Rover:

Mensaje sin leer Publicado: 23 Ago 2007, 18:36 
Poco a poco parece que se va contorlando la situación.

CUIDADO CON LAS AYUDAS, Hay gente desalmada que se esta aprovechando del caos y de la gente de buen corazón es mas seguro hacer el envio por INTERMEDIO DE LOS GOBIERNOS sea como sea por lo menos tiene algun tipo de fiscalización y adicionalmente la prensa, a otros no se qwuien los fiscalizara solo lo saben ellos, OJO MUCHO OJO y seria mejor que dinero NO, la desicion final es vuestra


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Registrado: 07 Ago 2007, 11:50
Mensajes: 1537
Ubicación: Tortuguitas - Bs As
Mi modelo Land Rover:

Mensaje sin leer Publicado: 23 Ago 2007, 18:41 
Juan, sigo sin poder mirar bien las fotos, las miro de reojo porque son muy fuertes!

Pero que eufemismo que te mandaste "la plata se pierde", en medio de tanta tragedia me sacaste una sonrisa. Como esta funcionando la Federacion de la Cruz Roja o Caritas??? Ese puede ser buen canal.

Disco Tdi 300 / 94

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Registrado: 08 Ago 2007, 22:36
Mensajes: 64
Ubicación: sudamerica
Mi modelo Land Rover:

Mensaje sin leer Publicado: 23 Ago 2007, 19:20 
Por supuesto ALACIEL son organizaciones conocidas de mas confianza, y las perdidas de las donaciones se dan en todo el mundo, no es patrimonio de ningun Pais, sino que aca la gente esta atenta con los desalmados y los detectan, en otros lugares prefieren callarlo para que no se haga escandalo, hay quie seguir nomas en todo el mundo existen lacras.
Y date cuenta que cuando hay una desgracia aparecen un monton de cuentas en los bancos que reciben donaciones ...quien los fiscaliza?

Saludos doblemente.

Santana 88”
Serie III


Solo los muertos conocen la paz



Registrado: 16 Ago 2007, 10:41
Mensajes: 209
Ubicación: Lima-Peru
Mi modelo Land Rover:

Mensaje sin leer Publicado: 23 Ago 2007, 19:39 

Desgraciadamente los canales de ayuda oficiales se concentran en el el Estado Peruano donde hay mucha lentitud en la entrega de lo donado y es donde mas denuncias de perdidas/corrupcion se han dado. Aca se necesitan las cosas para ayer, se trata de comer.

Las instituciones privadas y la Iglesia estan haciendo una labor extraordinaria, se puede canalizar ayuda directamente a traves de la mayoria de bancos en el Peru, solo como eje,mplo, pueden acceder a atraves de las paginas Web del Banco de Credito, Scotia Bank, Interbank, etc.

Acercandose a las parroquias catolicas de su licalidad les deben de dar informes de como hacer llegar la ayuda, tambien los medios de difusion como El Comercio Y radio programas del Peru tienen canales para recibir ayuda del exterior.

La del Colegio Markham es una mas en esta gran cadena de solidaridad que se ha abierto. Les paso el ultimo reporte de lo hecho en este caso.Tambien pueden ver la pagina www.markham.edu.pe para ver la seriedad de la Institucion.


Francisco Valdez

mil gracias .....
Report on the progress of the Earthquake relief effort

The immediate response part of our earthquake relief plan has been incredibly successful and has brought out the best of the whole Markham family. We hope to continue this momentum in the fund-raising phase of the plan and make a huge difference to the lives of those who have suffered so badly in this terrible disaster.

Monday 20 August saw an enormous amount of food, water, clothes and medicines delivered to all three sections of the school and it was all brought to the Squash courts at San Antonio where literally hundreds of students, ex-students, staff and parents began to prepare special 'survival packs' containing water, milk, tuna, fideos, arroz, biscuits, candles, matches, juice, menestras and a variety of other items. We also made family packs of clothing. This was a lot of work and there were so many people that it became quite chaotic but the enthusiasm of the participants made it a fantastic thing to be part of and the production was incredible. On Monday night, a 5-ton truck was loaded and sent off to Chincha at 6.30am Tuesday morning. After basing the distribution in a fabrica in Chincha baja we were able to distribute the whole load to communities that had thus far not received any assistance, which was our aim. The distribution was made easier and more controlled by the fact that the 'survival packs' could easily be handed to needy individuals.

Meanwhile, the packing and sorting continued in the squash courts on Tuesday. Many volunteers gave their time to keep up the production of the 'survival packs'. By the end of the day, we were able to load one 20-ton truck and the 5-ton truck (which had returned from Chincha). Both trucks then left on Wednesday morning at 6.30am and almost all of the packs were distributed in the day.

Thursday will see the final distribution of the packs.

It is difficult to thank individuals in a team effort like this .and in reality no one does these things in order to receive thanks. However, I must mention some special contributions:

Dr Alan Heredia, Litto Ramirez were sent by the Headmaster to San Andres (Pisco) as a medical team. We have also co-ordinated delivery of some supplies to that area.
Kevin Thompson, after going with Bruno Landa and me in an investigative trip to Chincha on Sunday has led the distribution teams in Chincha this week. Adrian Velasquez and James Pearson joined the distribution teams on Wednesday. Sandro Calderon was also in Chincha and Ica and provided invaluable information and support.
Sr Van der Pijl has provided the base for the distribution. He has been a superb support in Chincha.
Francisco Valdez and Jorge Lira have done a superb job leading the APAFA teams and many of the mothers have given up many hours in the squash courts.
Nicolas Rovegno of the Markham Trust has been able to arrange transport assistance through Markham parents and OMA.
The obreros and vigilantes were always there to help, particularly when no one else was around.
And finally the sensational Markham students and ex-students whom I won't name because there were far too many and I would hate to miss anyone.

I must have missed some, sorry! Of course, not everyone can be at the battlefront; it is important to realise that what we were able to do 'up here' was every bit as important as helping in the south.

The highlight for me of Monday and Tuesday's Emergency relief response was at 6.00pm on Tuesday evening when there were 60 people helping to load a 20-ton truck. They included students from P6 and UB, ex-students, staff from Early Years, Lower school and Upper school, parents, Obreros and Vigilantes (only Board members were missing, as they were in a meeting). It was an incredibly moving moment and exemplified the amazing amount of teamwork that has gone into this appeal.

Fund-raising for the long-term rebuilding of schools is now about to begin. We will be asking for donations as well as organising fund-raising activities. If you have an idea for a fund-raising activity, please send me an email (hildebra@markham.edu.pe) and tell me aboutit. Ian ("Harry") Hildebrand
Earthquake Relief Co-ordinator for Markham College

Colegio Markham

Augusto Angulo 291

Miraflores Email: hildebra@markham.edu.pe

51-1-2417677 [anexo 310] PERU Cel: 51-1-96482595



Registrado: 16 Ago 2007, 10:41
Mensajes: 209
Ubicación: Lima-Peru
Mi modelo Land Rover:

Mensaje sin leer Publicado: 23 Ago 2007, 19:40 

Gracias por el lindo gesto de enviar el dinero. en el post de Peru puse las instrucciones de como hacerlo a traves de un colegio que esta a full en el tema, pero parece que alguno tiene sus dudas al respecto.

Hagamos algo practico, dime cuanto iban a poner Uds. Ese monto lo DONO YO en alguna de las cuentas que existen para ese fin. Con eso la gente damnificada del sur del Peru va a recibir lo que Uds.tan generosamente iban a donar. Pueden utilizar el monto que tienen alla para ayudar en su tierra . Creo que de esta manera despejamos cualquier duda.

Espero tu respuesta con el monto cuanto antes para proceder.


Francisco Valdez M. Lima-Peru

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